Adadao Weekly Technical Update #38

2 min readMar 8, 2023


The last few weeks have been nothing short of thrilling for Adadao! We are over the moon to report that the launch of Adadao testnet v1.0 was an absolute success without a single issue being reported, except for a few minor typos that we had already anticipated.

And here’s the best part: you can still get in on the action by participating in the testnet and providing valuable feedback to our team. Don’t miss out! Check out the testnet v1.0 details here.

Furthermore, our team has commenced working on testnet v2.0, and we are excited to provide you with an update on our progress this week. We look forward to sharing with you all the intricate details about the various components we have been developing for v2 testnet. So, please stay tuned for more updates!

1. Adadao testnet release
— Increased server memory.
— Fixed PAB permissions issue .
— Updated testnet on private server.

2. Borrowing service (off-chain & on-chain)
— Completed OpenVault, ActivateVault and CloseVault endpoints and successfully tested in testnet.
— Сompleted Plutarch validators for Borrow, Repay, Withdraw and Liquidation endpoints.

3. Management service
— Currently moving Management scripts to Plutarch.
— Completed protocol validator, moved protocol Datum and Redeemers.
— Moved Liquidation models and Datum partially.
— Made Validator for ActivateProtocol redeemer.
— Moved StabilityPool Datum and redeemer.

Currently working on StabilityPool validator.

4. Individual receipt service

Currently moving OnChain scripts to Plutarch.

5. Common tasks
— Completed vertoken policy in Plutarch.
— Completed AUSD minting policy.
— Complted VaultInfo endpoint.

6. Front-end Light wallets version
— Connected Nami wallet.
— Intergrated OpenVault and ActivateVault endpoints.

Currently working on CloseVault endpoints.




Written by ADADAO

World's first interest free stablecoin protocol

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